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Home > Software > Microsoft Office 365 > Setting up PGT Email on iPhone (Company and BYOD iPhones)
Setting up PGT Email on iPhone (Company and BYOD iPhones)
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Note: If BYOD and you have not setup an account before, you will need to contact helpdesk about your setup before continuing.

If you have not yet setup a Duo 2-factor account, you will need to do that before proceeding.  Instructions for that are here:


Once you have received confirmation from helpdesk about your iPhone getting setup, unlock your phone, open your Settings app and go to "Mail." You should see something like below:






















Tap on “Accounts” – then, under the “Accounts” menu on the following screen, tap “PGT Trucking”



You will have this on your screen – tap on “Re-enter Password” and you will be taken to a Duo login screen like the one below:



Enter your PGT email address, then tap “Next” and enter your Windows password on the next screen. Tap "Log In" after that.



You will then receive a Duo prompt.  Approve the Duo prompt on your authenticator once you receive it.



You should then be taken to a screen like the one below – if it’s not saying “Re-enter password” next to your email address, then you can close out of settings and launch the default iOS email app.



















Once you launch the app, you will be prompted about receiving notifications for the mail app – go ahead and hit “Allow” here:



















Your inbox may immediately show up as empty – it may take a few minutes and a couple of refreshes for the inbox data to come through.


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