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Home > Phone System > Setting simultaneous ring
Setting simultaneous ring
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1. Log into the web client at The username is your extension.  If you do not know the password, contact [email protected] and we will send it to you.


2. Click on Settings and enter your mobile number (if not already present)



3. Click on "Call Forwarding", then click on "Available"



4. Scroll down to the bottom under the section that says General Options and make sure the box is filled that says "Also Ring my Mobile"



This setting will take effect right away.  When your "Available" status is active, all calls will ring both your desk phone and mobile phone.  This includes direct dialed calls as well as calls from a call queue.  This does not affect other statuses such as "Do Not Disturb", which is typically active after hours.  Those other statuses will work as they always have.


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