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Home > Phone System > Creating Conference Calls and Web Conferences with 3cx Desktop Application
Creating Conference Calls and Web Conferences with 3cx Desktop Application
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1. Click on the conference icon on the bottom of the 3cx window 


2. Enter the subject, notes, and add participants.  The subject is the title of the meeting, the notes will be shown in the meeting invite.  The default is audio only.  If you'd like a web conference with face-to-face video, screen sharing, and a virtual whiteboard, select video


3. You can add participants using an extension, full phone number, or even email address.  Type the contact information in the top row of the box and hit the + button.  If you need to remove someone, press the trash can button.



4. Click "start now" to immediately start the call, or press the schedule button to schedule it for a later time.


5. Enter the start date and time, the estimated duration.  Enable announcements if desired.  This will prompt callers to say their name, and each arrival will be announced.  This is a good alternative to manually taking attendance.



6. If you want to reserve a conference room at the same time, you can simply invite the room as if it was attending the conference.  The phone in the conference room will ring once the conference begins.  


7. Click the Schedule button to complete the setup.


On completion of the schedule:

Each attendee will automatically receive an email invite with dial-in instructions if they have an email address available.

If a phone number is provided, the phone system will dial out at the exact start time of the meeting.

Attendees can still dial-in early if desired using the emailed dial-in instructions

If it is a web meeting, the link to join the meeting will also be provided


On Completion of a web conference

A summary of attendees will be provided to the meeting organizer.


Joining the web conference

The web conference requires Chrome or Firefox web browsers on Desktop, or installing the 3cx webmeeting app on mobile devices.


Android:  3cx Webmeeting for Android

Apple:  3cx Webmeeting for IOS



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