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Home > General Support > PGT Office - Fast vs Strict co-editing and Force Saving
PGT Office - Fast vs Strict co-editing and Force Saving
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PGT Office makes use of two different modes for editing collaborative documents:


Fast Mode



With Fast Mode, all changes will appear in real-time for all users within the document. You will be able to see the changes that someone is making while they are in the document.


IMPORTANT: When using fast mode, it is critical to close out of the document when finished editing for long periods of time (IE overnight). All users need to close out of a document for the system to finalize the file and save to disk for the nightly backup. Failure to do this could result in missing data in the event the server is rebooted.


Strict Mode



With Strict Mode, you will not be able to see users' changes in realtime, but it will autosave the document every 10 minutes.


Force Saving


To ensure a document gets saved, you can enable Force Save. You can turn it on by going to Settings > Common Settings, and then under "Storing file versions" turn on "Keep intermediate versions when editing".



With this setting enabled, each time you save the document will add another version to the document's version history.

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