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Home > General Support > Email password reset
Email password reset
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If you need to change your email password, follow the following procedure.


1. Click here:


2. Log in with your current credentials.  The username is typically pgt\ followed by your last name and first initial and your passwords.


3. In the top right corner, click on gear, then options.


4. Select General, then My Account.



5. Select Change your password.



6. Enter the current password once, and then the new password twice.  Note that passwords must Enter the old password once, and then the new password twice.  Note that passwords must contain 3 of the 4 of the following: 

  • Upper case letter
  • Lower case letter 
  • Number 
  • Symbol (!#$%&*, etc)


The new password also must be at least 14 characters, and cannot contain your name.


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