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Home > Software > Creating a Zoom meeting
Creating a Zoom meeting
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How to schedule meetings


  1. Going from the zoom website
    1. Under your profile on Zoom’s website (can be accessed at, click on “Schedule a meeting”


    1. On the following screen, you can configure the parameters for the Zoom meeting.
      1. It is worth noting that you do not want to use your personal meeting ID, as this is a number that does not change for your Zoom account. If you are communicating with someone outside of PGT Trucking, this could pose a security risk.
      2. Also, be mindful that a similar principle applies with having a password – while it does offer some protection for the meeting, if an external party has it, they can join your meeting with no issues.
      3. By enabling “Waiting Room”, you will have to approve every person attempting to join, which can prevent random people from popping into your meetings.


    1. You can press “Save” at the bottom of the page when you are done.
    2. On the following page, click on the “Outlook Calendar (.ics)” bubble, and you should be prompted for a download. Click save, and open the file when it’s done downloading.


  1. From Outlook using the Zoom plugin (this is much easier!)
    1. If you do not have the Zoom for Outlook plugin already, contact Helpdesk and it can be set up for you.
    2. Under the Home tab in Outlook, click on “Schedule a Meeting”. A window should pop up for the email invitation as well as a Window for Zoom. Once again, be mindful of the risks of using your personal meeting ID and not using the Waiting Room. Press “Save” when you are done.


  1. Regardless of which method you go with, you should end up at the following screen:

    1. From this screen, click on “Scheduling Assistant”, and you will be taken to this screen:

    1. Off to the left, you can add participants to your meeting; you should be able to enter their name, and then press “Check Names” for them to show up. Alternatively, you can also click “Add Attendees…” and browse for people there.



    1. You will also be able to see their availability – you can see that they will be busy during certain times, but not exactly what they are doing. Keep this in mind when you are planning your meeting.

    1. Click on “Add Rooms…” at the bottom left to select the room you would like for your conference. If you are uncertain of what room you would like, you can always pick them all. Like adding participants, it will also show you here what the availability is for each room. Be mindful of this while planning your meeting.

    1. Whenever you are done, click “Send”. Your participants should receive an email and be able to accept/decline the meeting, and the room(s) you selected should be reserved.
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