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Home > General Support > Shared Calendars
Shared Calendars
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To access shared calendars, such as department vacation calendars, do the following:


Open the PGT Office site at

Login with your windows username and password.  This is typically your lastname and then first initial.


Once you are logged in, hover over the drop down menu in the top left corner.  In the drop down menu, select calendar.


The first time you use it, you will need to add the shared calendar you want to see.  To do this, click on the gear icon next to "other calendars"


Check the box under the calendar that you wish to see.  If you the calendar you want is not listed, please contact the helpdesk for assistance.



To create a new entry into a calendar, click the "create new" button at the top, and select "event"



On the Create new event page, Enter a name, select the dates, and be sure to select the department calendar.  Click Save to finish.




If you or your department is using this to keep track of vacations, this does not replace the CTR calendar.  You still need to enter PTO requests via the CTR website.  This is only a tool to allow all employees in a department visibility to everyone else's schedule.


If you'd like to make a new private or shared calendar to track some other schedule, you can do that also.

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